QUESTION OF THE DAY #33: What is one thing you want to remember forever?
So many things yearn to be remembered forever, a kindness shown, a great accomplishment, a feeling of happiness and contentment, the day you met, the day you married, the smile of a brother or a sister, a special night with friends, a meaningful conversation you never want to end, seeing the birth of your child and all the steps they take along the way, parents, grandparents, a singularly beautiful day.
It seems I've forgotten so many things along the way. Time has a way of just carrying a person along. It's good to take time to remember, to hang on. Sometimes it's difficult, like remembering a lesson learned, or realizing, in a bittersweet way, how far you've come, or, on the other hand, when a memory of days gone by leads you to want to reconnect with the past.
One thing I never want to forget is that I am loved. Who knows? I might one day forget the names of others, and even my own name. I might forget what day it is, or even what year it is, but I still want to hang on to the simple fact that I'm loved. How many times haven't I visited with someone who forgot my name, but could recite the 23rd Psalm with me perfectly?
There are those people in my life that have let me know that I'm loved, and always will be. They have encouraged and stood by me. For that I am truly and deeply grateful. Their love has been a reminder of God's love.
God gives us abundant reminders of His love. When I was a baby, my father, a pastor, poured water over my head and said, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Remembering that I am baptized is a powerful way of remembering God's love. It is knowing that God always stands by me. My baptism always points me to Christ Jesus my Savior and what He has done for me: suffering, dying, rising to life, forgiving me, and and letting me know that I truly am loved.
"...Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word..." (Ephesians 5:25-26)