QUESTION OF THE DAY #36: What is your favorite vegetable?
Tomatoes count. Yes, technically they are fruits, but since they have a lower sugar content than most fruits, they are, from a cooking perspective, vegetables, that is, unless you are trying to can them. Then they're fruits. Did you know that all this can be said of eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, and squash? Potatoes also count, though diet-wise they may be considered a starch. I think corn is like that, too! Finally, rhubarb counts. Although, and here is a strange thing, according to U.S. law, it is a fruit. The logic is that it is used as a fruit. I don't understand that one bit, but, in the end, the taxes on it are lower than vegetables. So I'm all right with that.
On to vegetables proper! You have the classics, like broccoli and cauliflower. You have green beans, peas, parsnips, peppers, cabbage, beets, asparagus, and what would we do without onions? Then there is spinach. When I was little, I watched Popeye and thought cooked spinach out of a can would be a great thing to try. I was in for a surprise. Can you say spinach-face? I love spinach now, though!

All of this shows that God made the world with an incredible amount of variety for us to enjoy. This variety extends to people and the things people like to do and are good at! Never feel you have to pretend to be someone else. Avoid being limited to a "category". God made you wonderfully. And you have unique talents and abilities that can be cultivated in your own special way your whole life long!
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."
(Psalm 139:14)
"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."
(Romans 12:6)
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