Friday, September 30, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #29: What is your favorite dessert?

This seemed like such a simple question.  I remember loving banana splits.  Two slices of banana with ice cream in the middle, whip cream, and a cherry on top!  When I was quite young, my dad made them for us!  However, it's been years since I had one.  So, I made one the other day, and I love bananas and ice cream, but somehow mine didn't taste quite right.  I guess I'll have to go back to the old drawing board!

Speaking of changing tastes, here's another dessert story.  When I was little, I hated lemon meringue pie.  This is a shocking statement, because I'll literally eat anything.  I think that I had sampled some meringue and thought it would taste like Cool Whip, so I was a shocked.  I went for years without touching this dessert.  Then my family was invited over to a church member's house, back when we lived in Kansas.  She made lime meringue pie.  Not wanting to be rude, I ate it.  Whoa!!! That was the best.  Ever.  Needless to say, lemon meringue pie will never be a problem again at all!

Things don't always stay the same.  I think this is a good thing.  I think that God enables us to keep learning and changing our whole life long.  That thing that bothered you might be a blessing in disguise.  Try "coloring outside the lines" today!  Look at things a little differently!  Find a new favorite dessert!   Better yet, discover something wonderful about the mercies of God that are always new, always needed!

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #28: What's your nickname?

At many camps, the counselors are given a nickname.  This happened to me, and my nickname was Smiley.  I must have been smiling a lot!  What's your nickname?  Some people get a nickname because of their physical appearance.  Others get a nickname that describes their personality.  Some nicknames don't make any sense at all!  A very fun part of being a dad is that I get to give my kids nicknames, which has, on occasion, been known to embarrass them.  It's my job!

Last year I learned that a common nickname for Daryn in Australia is Dazza, with Dazzer and Daz following suit.  I kind of like that, but I know there are some who don't.  So I looked up Daryn, and found out something else that was new!  If Wikipedia is to be believed, it might be derived from the Irish name, Dáire, which means "oak tree."

So if I had to give myself a nickname it might be Oak Tree.  Are we really allowed to do that?   I almost think that a nickname, like an ordinary name, has to be given. 

Favor with God is like that, too.  You can't earn His love, but He freely gives it through His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the tree of the cross and was raised to life for our forgiveness.  In Isaiah 61, the good news is told of how God will "bind up the brokenhearted" and "proclaim liberty to the captives."  Those who mourn will be given "the oil of gladness."  They will be called "oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD."  We are His planting!  These precious promises show us that God's love is pure gift.  Therefore it is rock solid.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #27: What do you do when you can't remember someone's name?

Names are a funny thing.  I'm Daryn, and I happen to have a twin brother named Daryl.  As you might imagine, that has created several difficulties.  At college, one of our professors thought we were really one person who turned in two separate tests.  We had to explain that one, let me tell you! 

When it comes to forgetting people's names, there are two basic approaches.  One is just to come out and say you forgot and ask for the name.  The other way is to try and avoid saying the name.  There are a lot of variations on that theme.  You can call them something like "sweetie"  or "bud" depending on the situation.  (Here you have to be careful if you're a guy!)  Ma'am or Sir works in a formal setting.  There are a few other options along those lines.  In some countries you could call them "mate," and that would be perfectly acceptable!

Then there are the creative ways.  You could just keep guessing names until you land on the right one.  I've done that.  It's fun!  One person even suggested asking them how old they are and then saying, "No way! Prove it!"  When they pull out their driver's license you can find their name.  There you go!

What do you do?  I generally find that the way I remember people's names best is to ask another person if they know the name.  It's helpful for me to hear someone else say it.  I did that just yesterday, in fact!  Other people find that it helps to link their name to how they look... like a word picture, but that one can backfire if you're not careful!  It helps to relax, too, or even to work your way through the alphabet, I've been told.

Honestly, though it's embarrassing, quite often the best approach is to simply say, "I'm sorry, I've got your name on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember it!  My memory is like Swiss cheese!"  It's honest, straightforward, and lets them know that you ARE interested in their name.  I know... I know... it's much easier said than done.

Forgetting someone's name isn't a sin.  It happens to us all.  But we can learn how to deal with our sins from all of this.  We confess our sins and come to Jesus for forgiveness.  Can you imagine having the guilt and regret of your sins washed away?  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:10, "For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret..."  As I read those words over and over, letting them soak in, I'm just amazed.

Monday, September 26, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #26: How can a person possibly manage their time?

Get a calendar. Write in it. Delegate. Don't you quit.
Prioritize and make a list. Organize, if you get my gist.
Don't skimp on rest, And do your best
To be ready to do All that is asked of you.
If you can't multitask And keep on track,
One by one Will get the job done!
To stay on time, Remember this rhyme,
And better yet, Avoid the internet! 
Even if life's a mess And you're filled with stress,
Remember prayer, Because God will hear!

Friday, September 23, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #25: How can you help someone without saying a word?

This seems like a very easy question, and in many ways it is.  A smile is such a wonderful gift to give someone, and it doesn't cost anything, and a hug is so special.  Just these two alone can change your world and theirs, even if just for a day.  

I needn't say another word, and if I wrote all night, I couldn't say enough about smiles and hugs, but there is something important to remember.  Sometimes words are all too few, and sometimes someone is so lonely that words are the only thing that will do.  Words can be oh so welcome!

Bearing that in mind, there are times when you can reach out to another person, if you know them well enough, and so much can be spoken though no words are even said.  You can be there, be really present for them.  You can give them a simple act of kindness, or maybe bring over a meal to someone's doorstep, or simply open a door, or pick up something that was dropped, or light a candle. 

Even everyday things take on a different aspect when unaccompanied by words.  Tonight I gave out coffee and cookies without saying any more words than absolutely necessary.  It felt good, and it was a nice surprise, I think.  Quiet can be good, especially when our love flows from a heart that has been quieted.

"The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love..." (Zephaniah 3:17)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #24: What would you draw on your name tag to help people get to know you?

A lot of people like to draw smiley faces, flowers, rainbows, animals, birds, and those are wonderful!  Some might draw something else that they like or that they're proud of or that they do for a hobby or a living.  What would you draw on your name tag? 

I'll be honest though, I almost stumped myself with this question.  I've doodled abstract designs.  I've drawn a smiley face or two, musical notes, or even crosses.  

However, my favorite thing, now that I think about it, would be to draw a heart.  Why?  Once, when I was visiting people in the hospital, one of the family members put a heart on my name tag.  It's still there!  See?  

It still reminds me of what I'm doing in the hospital.  It reminds me of why I'm here on this earth.  It's about serving God by loving others!  I'm no different than anyone else in that respect, but it sure makes me feel special to know that I can share God's love wherever I am and whatever I'm doing, since He first loved me!

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #23: What language would you like to learn?

As a pastor it goes with the territory that I learned the biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew.  I picked up German and Latin along the way, too.  In High School I learned French.  Most of that last one, in particular, I've forgotten!

One language I'd really like to learn is Spanish!  A lot of people I've been blessed to meet speak it, and most of my family members know it, too, just not me!  Swedish is one I like, and I'm actually trying to pick up a bit of Croatian too!  There's a part of me that really enjoys dabbling in other languages!  What language would you like to learn?

Most of the languages I've learned through books and vocabulary cards and memorization of verb forms and noun forms and stuff like that.  A better option is to be immersed in that language, and a better option still is to learn that language very young.  They say the human brain does better with picking up languages up until the fourth grade or so.  

I don't know the scientific reason for that, but it's a good thing God wired us that way!  Children truly see the world in such amazing and unique ways.  I read that as people grow older, they blink more and more, even.  Perhaps when children are really little, they're too busy being fascinated to blink as much!  

Take a moment and look at the world around  you through the eyes of a child.  Let it be new.  Learn as much as you can about it.  Let it amaze you.  Love completely, and know that you are completely loved.  There is a reason that our Heavenly Father calls us His children!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #22: What is your favorite picture?

What is your favorite picture?  When I asked people this question, for many people, their favorite picture was one of two things.  Either it was a picture of a child, or it was a picture of a loved one who had left this "veil of tears" to join the Lord in heaven.  These are such powerful pictures that have a lasing impact on a person's life. 

My picture isn't of a person, but, like those answers, it has to do with family and loved ones.  For Thanksgiving, two years ago, we went to see my very dear grandmother in Minnesota.  Part of that trip involved seeing the farmhouse where she used to live, where my wonderful grandfather used to live when he was alive, and where us grandchildren got together and created some pretty special memories.

While I was there I snapped a picture of the old windmill, next to the milk house, with the moon visible in the blue sky.  It brought back so many memories for me, just to see that windmill.  When I posted it on my Facebook page, my cousins, aunts, and uncles had so many stories of their own.  One involved my dad putting his tongue on the metal when it was freezing out!  Kids, don't try that at home!

It is about more than memories.  That picture became a symbol for me of family, of where I come from, of what I'm about, even of the character values that have been passed on from generation to generation in my family.  I had that picture put on canvas and framed, and on the bottom is this verse:   

Psalm 100:4: "For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."  

Keep those pictures of your loved ones in a special place.  Keep your loved ones themselves always near and dear to your heart.  They are gifts of God and treasures.  God's love truly does continue from generation to generation!

Monday, September 19, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #21: What is a dream of yours?

Dreams come in many different flavors. We dream about jobs, our relationships, travels, retirement, and accomplishments.  We dream about the tragedies in our lives, hoping that somehow they might be reversed or made right.  We dream about the world in which we live, hoping that it could be a better place.  We even have those dreams that are so different from the expected, dreams we wouldn't ever tell another living soul.  It is noble enough, some days, to dream of just getting by, and somehow, this helps us to do just that.

Dreams are a wonderful manifestation of the human mind where we can fly, soar above our current surroundings.  I have dreams of being a great musician or a great pastor someday, dreams of maybe even writing a book.  Maybe that's why I'm blogging.  Who knows?  I have dreams of being happy and free, and of being a better person, too.  There are many other dreams for family and friends.  What are yours?

Dreams don't always come true, and, yes, sometimes God has other plans, but I believe dreams are a part of the process, even if they don't all come true.  I had an experience tonight that was humbling.  I'd love people to come to my Bible studies because I'm such a good theologian or speaker or teacher.  I dream about these things, but people came out for tonight's Bible study (on the topic of mental health) for two reasons that are completely separate from my dreams.  

First, they came out because they know that I have bi-polar disorder.  That wouldn't be a dream of mine, but God was able to work with my limitations and place me in a situation where others can hopefully gain insight from the things I've experienced.  Second, and this is the bigger reason, mental health issues have been ignored or glossed over or worse, and there is a huge need for a study on this topic that "gets real."

Dreams are like clouds.  Surely we need them, but they come and go.  Yet, even if our dreams should vanish into thin air, God remains, accomplishing more than we could ever have imagined, doing so in His sacred ways that are higher than the clouds above.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #20: What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Rain is something we are told to pray for.  It gives new life to the earth, just as God has given us new life in Christ.  It's not always easy to appreciate the rain, though.  Rainy days sometimes spoil plans, but there are so many things to do on a rainy day!  You can watch a movie, read a book, or make a mouth-watering meal in a slow cooker.  You can have a nice cup of coffee or tea on your porch and listen to the rain and smell the showers.  You can do something that you've saved for a rainy day! 

I actually like to get out in the rain and just stand there.  I also like to go for a walk, especially in the woods. If it's pouring, running in the rain can be awesome!  I guess when it rains, we all have a choice.  Either we can let it ruin our day, or we can celebrate it. 

"Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever." (Ps. 145:2) Even rainy days!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #19: What do you do to clear your head?

Isn't it something that God rested after He made the world?  In the book of Exodus, it says, " six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed."  I mean, refreshed!  I can't even comprehend that in God. 

I think that this is why God has built into each of us our own ways to be renewed.  How do you clear  your head?  As I asked people this question, here is what I found.  Walking is great, and so is riding a bike.  Any exercise will work, as long as you enjoy it.  Even physical labor has its merits.  Reading is good, and so is writing.  Try taking a jar and filling it with notes.  If something bothers you, write it down.  Put it in the jar.  Get rid of it.  Give it to God.  Do you like music?  Listen to it!  Do you have a hobby?  Do it!  

The Bible tells us to set our minds on God:  "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."  (Isaiah 26:3) Peace means well-being.  It means wholeness.  This challenges me to break out of my routine, to take care of myself, to make use of the ways that I am renewed, and to know that God is with me as I do these things.  

I like a good work out.  I like to be in nature, fishing, camping, or even hunting.  I like to play guitar, and it literally forces me to relax, or it just doesn't go well.  

Yes, it is meaningful for me to share my thoughts with you here.  I don't usually start out knowing what I'm going to write.  It's just time with God, and, in a way, time with my friends who are reading it.  I don't think I'll always have a verse or something terribly wise to say.  It may just be a little bit of trivia from my day.  Still, I'm happy just letting it be what it is.

Friday, September 16, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #18: What do you collect?

There are so many kinds of collections!  I thought that I wasn't a collector at all, but then I thought again.  Very few of the things that I have do I have just one of!  By far the biggest collection I have is my collection of books.  I "literally" could not count them all, much less read them all, to be honest, especially given the sheer number of books I have stored on computer.  I'm trying to picture a room filled with those books right now.

Whew!  They aren't as satisfying as paper and ink books, though.  One set of books I have is a collection of classic authors and their works published by Walter J. Black, Inc., over a hundred  years ago.  On the inside cover of each book is the signature, W.H. Finney, M.D., 1931.  To think that I have a set of books bought by a doctor before my parents were even born kind of blows my mind.  I've only read a fraction of the volumes, though, the ones by Poe, Doyle, Kipling, and bits of one or two others.  Even now it bothers me a bit that I can't find one of the volumes, and another one has started to rip.

What is it about human beings that makes us collectors?  Is it a habit?  Is it that it makes us feel more complete?  Is it nostalgia?  Is it a way of expressing ourselves?  It can be all of these things, and more.  What do you like to collect?  Pottery?  Figurines?  Art?  Toys of various sorts?  Collections can serve many good and noble purposes.   Still, I'm feeling a little guilty here, swamped by the things I've collected.

Which reminds me, there IS one kind of collector mentioned in Scripture quite often.  You might have guessed it, the dreaded tax collector, considered by religious people to be an especially awful kind of person back in the day.  
Isn't it interesting that Jesus made a point of hanging out with tax collectors?  He came to collect outcasts and to forgive.  He came to pick us up, dust us off, gather and keep us.  May our collections always be able remind us of that!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #17: What do you want to remember?

People say that life goes by too quickly.  I think a day goes by too quickly.  I know I've said something like that before, but it's true.  I got to see my son at his football game today, and I was reminded that two years ago on this exact day he played in his very first soccer game.  Not only was it his first game, but he played goalie!  He's changed so much in these past two years.  He's now just a freshman in high school, and already he's growing into the man he will one day be.  In fact, I get the feeling that any second now he'll be taller than me!  I remember looking at him silhouetted in the setting sun on the field as his team gathered in the end zone and being proud, proud not only of what he's done, or how he conducted himself, but proud of the person he is becoming.  How blessed I am to have three wonderful children and moments like these.  It was a day to remember.  

What do you want to remember?  A smile?  A compliment from your spouse?  A conversation with your friends?  An accomplishment?  The beauty of nature?  A feeling of peace and contentment?  Tuck it away, and hang on to it tightly!

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise. 
(Francis R. Havergal, Public domain)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #16: What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite animal?  I'll admit it.  This question was initially just an excuse to take a picture of one of my cats, Ronny.  Isn't he adorable?  I've had so many good pets, and there are so many wonderful animals.  The list could go on and on, but what makes Ronny special is what he did for me after I had oral surgery.  Last year, I had a funny kind of bump on the inside of my lower lip.  I know it's not too pleasant to talk about.  I had to have it removed, though, which required stitches.  The surgery was a piece of cake, but I was in pain for weeks after.  Leading worship services was actually very difficult for me at the time, and so was sleeping.  So Ronny knew something was wrong, and at night he would climb on my shoulder and purr until I fell asleep.  Now, months after, he still likes to sleep on my shoulder. 

I know it's not terribly dramatic, but it sure is nice to have a pet like that!  Now there aren't a lot of Bible verses about pets, it's true, but one is Proverbs 12:10, "Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel." (ESV) So much is packed into this verse.  Although originally referring to agricultural animals, it is, to be sure, a reminder to be good to  your pets, too.  I would take care of Ronny just as much even if he never climbed on my shoulder, and I certainly didn't expect it and wouldn't ever demand that he did that.

But there's something more in that verse that bears mentioning.  Think about the people in your life that you help.   Are you doing it thinking they'll owe you something in return?  Wise pet owners love the animals they care for, and that love is returned freely.   How much more should we love those whom we help, letting that help simply be a reflection of God's own unconditional love for us?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #15: What is one thing you look for in a friend?

As I was visiting people in the hospital today, wearing my clerical collar as Lutheran pastors sometimes do, I was greeted by a man who said, "Hi, Father! What's the good word?"  I should have told him I wasn't a priest, I know, but we were walking out the door and had places to go, so I just told him about the forest fires burning in Minnesota that were affecting the air quality here in Wisconsin.

I know what you're thinking, it would have been easier just to tell him I was a pastor, but hindsight is 20/20.  I really don't think he was expecting the answer I gave.  It wasn't something he wanted to hear, but he had been wondering about that smell, and it's good to know not to go out and exercise if the air quality is bad.  Certainly, we keep that forest fire and others around the world in our prayers as well.

In a small, small way, that relates to this question.  Although there are many qualities important to friendship, such as honesty, loyalty, empathy, a sense of humor, and so on, one truth that often gets overlooked is that a good friend will disagree sometimes.  They will hold us accountable.  They will tell us when we mess up, or when we're about to, but through it all they will be there for us, not because they have to be, but because they choose to be, and because God has brought them into our life.  It is a mutual thing, a pairing of equals, a sign of respect.  

I really don't know if we choose our friends because they have one quality or another.  Very often they are what the Bible calls our "neighbors," the people we come into contact with in our lives.  But this much I know, that a friendship where both people make each other better is something truly to be sought and cherished.  "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17) 

What is one thing that you look for in a friend?  In what ways do your friends make you better, and how can you do the same for them?

Monday, September 12, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #14: How do you like to help others?

There are so many good ways to help others.  We can physically help them do something.  We can lend them our knowledge and experience.  We can be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or a timely and loving voice of wisdom.  We can help out through organizations or volunteer in countless other ways.  Sometimes a "simple" smile or "just" being there is an incredibly effective way to help others.

One way of helping others that seems to have found me is through music.  Tomorrow, I'm bringing my guitar to a center for the elderly and singing hymns with them.   I enjoy playing in church and for children, too.  I've played guitar in the heat of summer for camp and in the dead of winter for living nativity scenes.  If  I ever travel to a foreign country, I have to bring my guitar!

Notice I didn't say I was good!  This is simply something I enjoy doing tremendously, and I hope through music to be able to lift other people up and bring them together.  If I can do that, and nothing else, it's been a good day.  It really makes it worthwhile for me to put in the hours of practice every day, dreaming about how I will be able to share music with others! 

Yet, even before I put these thoughts down, I was reflecting on Colossians 3:16-17, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

This is such a good place to start when it comes to helping others!  God is the one who will guide us in His Word.  God is the one who will empower us to help, and we are to help others in His name, not for our own purposes.  Don't think you have to be like anyone else, either.  Rejoice in the gifts you have, and, even more importantly, make bold and thankful use of the opportunities that you've been given today.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #13: What gives you energy?

What gives you energy?  For many people, coffee does the trick.  Exercise also works.  Getting enough of the basics like proper diet and sleep is a good thing, too.  

Here's another way to think of the question.  What gets you up at the crack of dawn?  What is the first thought on your mind?  What keeps you going when you feel tired or when you don't feel you have any strength left? 

It was very difficult for me to write this question, because today marks the 10th year following the September 11 attacks.  I thought of the firefighters that had to get up day after day to sift through the "pile" where the twin towers once stood.  Surely they had to be pushed past their limits.  How did they do what they had to do?

As human beings, we are unique in this world.  We live with an awareness us our purpose, and that makes a difference in our lives.  It gives us the power to do things that we would not otherwise do.  It keeps us going.

Purpose is not an easy thing, though.  Sometimes we're not sure what our purpose might be.  Yet, each person has a purpose as unique and wonderful as the way in which God created them. It says in Proverbs, "The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out." (20:5)

It's worth the effort.  It's worth the prayer.  It's worth the struggle and the mistakes sometimes, too.  It's worth taking a good hard look at yourself.  It's worth daring to be proud of who you are.  I hope, as I write these questions for you, that some of them also help you to ask questions about yourself--and to celebrate with certainty the purpose that God has for you. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #12: If you could name an extra day of the week, what would it be?

This is a strange question, I know.  Days of the week are a bit odd to start with, being named after the sun, moon, and planets.  The ancient Romans actually had an eighth day of the week for a while, too, which was their "market day."  What would your special day of the week be?

This question entered my mind because I needed an extra day to get things done this week.  So I guess I could have named it "Getthingsdoneday."  Still, somehow, things managed to get done for the most part, so I'll go a different route.

There is a certain daily pattern to the life of faith. God's blessings are new every morning.  We are told not to worry about tomorrow, for each day has enough troubles of its own.  We may not be able to do all we want to in just one day, but each day we can grow and learn and accomplish a little bit more.  In fact, Paul reminds us, "...we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16)  

So my day would be called "Daybyday."  It would cover all seven days of the week.  Each day would be a day of being inwardly renewed through faith in Jesus Christ, a new opportunity to grow in Him, being refreshed in His love.

It has been a blessing for me, too, to share my thoughts with you, day by day.  I hope you have enjoyed it, too!

Friday, September 9, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #11: What is your favorite plant? 

I like trees!  There is something very wonderful that happens when I go for a walk in the woods.   It is time to think and be alone.  I feel whole and grounded after time spent among the trees.  

Still, when most people think of a favorite plant they think of flowers!  And there are so many to chose from: roses like this one, orchids, pansies, daisies, flowering cacti, narcissus, jasmine, poppies, tulips, lilacs, and freesias, to name a few!  What is your favorite plant?
One flower that is mentioned in Scripture is the lily.  A lily could be any of a number of wild field flowers.  The lily I'm thinking of is the one mentioned by Jesus, recorded in Matthew 6:28-29.  "And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,  yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." (ESV)

We are grounded in God!  He is more than capable of helping us with the things that cause us to be filled with anxiety and worry.  He takes the time to make lilies so beautiful.  Imagine what He's taking the time to do for you right now!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #10: What tool couldn't you do without?

The other day, my box of cereal broke open. I was trying to open it nicely and neatly. No luck! You know, I hadn't even eaten my Wheaties yet. Still, I wanted to fix it, but no Duct Tape could be found. Duct Tape is a good candidate for a tool I couldn't do without. It can be used for so many things! Someone made my daughter a wallet out of Duct Tape. I even hear that there's a contest for prom dresses and tuxedos made of said tape.

I honestly don't know how to answer this question, though. Tools have been around since the beginning of time. Already in Genesis we see that "Tubal-Cain" was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron.

So many tools are at our disposal today. The computer that I'm typing on is a tool, so is the lamp on my desk. Yet, of all the things at at our disposal, there are two that top the list for me, namely the human mind and heart. Used wisely and according to God's plan, minds and hearts can dream and care and think and plan and so much more. They are unique to their owner, too. Truly, we are fearfully and wonderfully made!

These are just a few of my own thoughts, and there are so many wonderful answers to this question. What tool couldn't you do without?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY#9: "What's your favorite season of the year?"
As Fall waits to unfold here in Wisconsin, I'm eager to begin my favorite season! Fall is the time of harvest. It is the time of the changing of the leaves to all their brilliant colors. It is a time where it is really refreshing and enjoyable to be out in nature. There's just something about Fall that I can't even put into words. Plus, it is a time where you don't have to mow the lawn as much or shovel snow! What is your favorite season?

So often we think that what we're going through is unchangeable, written in stone. We think that we're stuck and that there is no way to get past that obstacle that is frustrating at the moment. In spite of that, life is about seasons. It changes. It unfolds. You plant. You change. You grow. You produce a harvest, and then you start over. It's like that passage from Ecclesiastes that was made famous when it was turned into a song:

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace." --Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #8: What is one thing you're glad you learned recently?

Our daughter was home from university, and we celebrated her birthday yesterday.  After the table was cleared, it was time for... dun dun dun... homework!  My son needed help with some algebra.  So, my daughter helped him.  I got a sneak peek of what kind of teacher she will be!  I was so proud of both of them.  I learned once again how amazing they are and was reminded of our Heavenly Father's love for us, too. 

Teaching and learning are basic to human existence.  I mean, really, really basic.  When we're born, we have to be taught pretty much everything.  In fact, no matter how old we get, our brains need the exercise of learning new things.

How about you?  Did you learn something about yourself?  Did you learn something about another person? Did you pick up a skill?  Did you discover a new insight along the way?  Did you learn something from success?  Did you learn something from failure?  Did you read a book?  Did someone mentor and guide you?  What is one thing you're glad you learned recently? 

Monday, September 5, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #7: What is your favorite color?

Now that's a simple question, right?  Still it was hard for me to write about.  I spent forever looking for a picture of a rainbow.  Then I looked for a picture that prominently featured my favorite color, red.  No luck there, either.  Finally, letting my mind wander, I took a picture of the least colorful thing I could think of, a plain, boring, vanilla candle, sitting atop my computer.

After several attempts at that, I was amazed at what I saw.  In spite of a bit of shakiness on my part, the complexity of color and light in the photo caused me to take a deep breath! Blacks, browns, oranges, reds, yellows, whites, and it was all so unexpected.

No color correction, no editing, not even that great of a picture, and yet, the miracle of color and light shines through!  Isn't it something that the symbol of hope God gave us after the great flood was the rainbow, with all its colors?  Look at all the colors in the tabernacle of the Old Testament, carefully detailed by God!  Look at the incredible colors of heaven, described in Revelation, with their brilliant symbolism!  Take the time today and let yourself be amazed at the colors all around you. They're all so amazing!  You know what?  I'm not so sure I can limit myself to just one favorite color any more!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #6: What does it take to make teamwork work?

Gossip, blame, jealousy, and pettiness are all the enemies of teamwork.  For teamwork to work there must be a clearly established goal.  There must be communication and many other interpersonal skills.  There must be a high level of dedication.  However, the basic, unavoidable truth is that for teamwork to work, you need other people!   Therefore it's a very good idea to respect and value others.  Well, that's an understatement, I know. 

I recently was privileged to watch my son play a football game.  It reminded me of my own high school gym teacher showing us a film about football that talked about execution.  This means doing what you have to do.   When you do your job, you've simply done your job, and you can take satisfaction in that.  However, in the end it really is all about the team!   Win or lose, you can't do it all on your own.

One great thing about teammates is that they watch out for each other.  There is a special bond that comes from working together. This bond is there because teams are so important.  Without teams, we would only be isolated individuals, and could never accomplish alone what we can do together.

In Luke 17, the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith.  Jesus answers and says.  "If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." Jesus was speaking to them as a team!  "You," in the original language of the New Testament, is plural!  You can only believe for yourself, but faith also puts us in a powerful position of teamwork.  Together, we can move the trees and even mountains of this life!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #5: What is something that really needs to be invented?

My wife swears she first came up for the idea of battery powered lights that you stick on the wall.  What are those called now, anyway?   I think that it would be awesome to have toothpaste that doesn't leave a mark on your clothes if it decides to drip off your toothbrush.

I enjoy experimenting with making my own pedals for electric guitar, switching out electrical component after component until I get the sound I want.  I guess that counts as inventing!  Certainly we need inventions that can help provide renewable energy and improve the way food is grown and distributed.  We need medical advances that truly help people, too.

Yet even the most ingenious invention is just that, an invention, switching things around, using something that's already there to make something else.  Now think for a moment about the word, creation.   Creation is making something out of nothing!  I have so many questions about how God created the universe.  This is beyond the realm of the whole creation versus evolution debate.  This is beyond "intelligent design."  No one truly can comprehend how all the star stuff, as Carl Sagan called it, got to be there in the first place.  People can guess.  People can come up with theories, but we weren't there.  We couldn't observe.  We couldn't take scientific measurements.

It is humbling, and yet exhilarating to marvel at God's creation. Near the end of the book of Job, this is what God says, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements--surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"  In other words, there are unspeakable mysteries that surround the creation of the universe that are only hinted at, even in the Bible!

One amazing mystery is that we have been given the responsibility to care for this creation, to use it for good purposes, even to invent things, tapping into the wonders that God has built into creation!  So, what would you like to invent?  What creative idea has God put into your heart?  Go ahead.  Dream!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #4: What is a healthy, effective way of dealing with stress?

Ever feel stress creeping up on you?  Of course you have! Stress is part of life. We are put in pressure situations. Some of these situations we have a little control over, but some we don't have any control over whatsoever.  Hence, stress.  It's like having to fight an enemy but not even knowing who the enemy is, or where, or how to do it, so our body, in a way, fights itself. And, yes, there is often collateral damage.  We take it out on the people closest to us.  That's how I think of stress.

Jesus had stress.  Imagine it.  He healed a man with an unclean spirit and was instantly popular. (Read Mark 1:23-35.) Everyone wanted to be healed, or knew someone who wanted to be healed.  There wasn't enough time in the day to heal them all.  There wasn't enough time in His life, and He cared for them all. He healed Simon Peter's mother. Then, they really started bringing people to be healed.  The whole city was at their door.  It doesn't even say when He got to bed.  He got up, very early in the morning, we know, however, and He went to a "desolate place." He needed time to be alone, but He wasn't alone.  He was talking to His heavenly Father.

We need to pray, too, and we also need time to block out the world when it's at our doorstep, too, and time for rest.  For me I enjoy playing guitar, and can relax and focus.  Or when I go running, I listen to nothing but the sound of my feet.  Or when I'm in the forest, I get lost in nature, even if I know right where I am.  These are my ways of dealing with stress.  

We all have our own ways of doing that, and we can learn new ways throughout life, which is a good thing.  Biking, breathing deeply, walking, gardening, what are your ways?