QUESTION OF THE DAY #29: What is your favorite dessert?
This seemed like such a simple question. I remember loving banana splits. Two slices of banana with ice cream in the middle, whip cream, and a cherry on top! When I was quite young, my dad made them for us! However, it's been years since I had one. So, I made one the other day, and I love bananas and ice cream, but somehow mine didn't taste quite right. I guess I'll have to go back to the old drawing board!
Speaking of changing tastes, here's another dessert story. When I was little, I hated lemon meringue pie. This is a shocking statement, because I'll literally eat anything. I think that I had sampled some meringue and thought it would taste like Cool Whip, so I was a shocked. I went for years without touching this dessert. Then my family was invited over to a church member's house, back when we lived in Kansas. She made lime meringue pie. Not wanting to be rude, I ate it. Whoa!!! That was the best. Ever. Needless to say, lemon meringue pie will never be a problem again at all!
Things don't always stay the same. I think this is a good thing. I think that God enables us to keep learning and changing our whole life long. That thing that bothered you might be a blessing in disguise. Try "coloring outside the lines" today! Look at things a little differently! Find a new favorite dessert! Better yet, discover something wonderful about the mercies of God that are always new, always needed!
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)