QUESTION OF THE DAY #5: What is something that really needs to be invented?
My wife swears she first came up for the idea of battery powered lights that you stick on the wall. What are those called now, anyway? I think that it would be awesome to have toothpaste that doesn't leave a mark on your clothes if it decides to drip off your toothbrush.
I enjoy experimenting with making my own pedals for electric guitar, switching out electrical component after component until I get the sound I want. I guess that counts as inventing! Certainly we need inventions that can help provide renewable energy and improve the way food is grown and distributed. We need medical advances that truly help people, too.
Yet even the most ingenious invention is just that, an invention, switching things around, using something that's already there to make something else. Now think for a moment about the word, creation. Creation is making something out of nothing! I have so many questions about how God created the universe. This is beyond the realm of the whole creation versus evolution debate. This is beyond "intelligent design." No one truly can comprehend how all the star stuff, as Carl Sagan called it, got to be there in the first place. People can guess. People can come up with theories, but we weren't there. We couldn't observe. We couldn't take scientific measurements.
It is humbling, and yet exhilarating to marvel at God's creation. Near the end of the book of Job, this is what God says, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements--surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" In other words, there are unspeakable mysteries that surround the creation of the universe that are only hinted at, even in the Bible!
One amazing mystery is that we have been given the responsibility to care for this creation, to use it for good purposes, even to invent things, tapping into the wonders that God has built into creation! So, what would you like to invent? What creative idea has God put into your heart? Go ahead. Dream!
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