Wednesday, September 21, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #23: What language would you like to learn?

As a pastor it goes with the territory that I learned the biblical languages of Greek and Hebrew.  I picked up German and Latin along the way, too.  In High School I learned French.  Most of that last one, in particular, I've forgotten!

One language I'd really like to learn is Spanish!  A lot of people I've been blessed to meet speak it, and most of my family members know it, too, just not me!  Swedish is one I like, and I'm actually trying to pick up a bit of Croatian too!  There's a part of me that really enjoys dabbling in other languages!  What language would you like to learn?

Most of the languages I've learned through books and vocabulary cards and memorization of verb forms and noun forms and stuff like that.  A better option is to be immersed in that language, and a better option still is to learn that language very young.  They say the human brain does better with picking up languages up until the fourth grade or so.  

I don't know the scientific reason for that, but it's a good thing God wired us that way!  Children truly see the world in such amazing and unique ways.  I read that as people grow older, they blink more and more, even.  Perhaps when children are really little, they're too busy being fascinated to blink as much!  

Take a moment and look at the world around  you through the eyes of a child.  Let it be new.  Learn as much as you can about it.  Let it amaze you.  Love completely, and know that you are completely loved.  There is a reason that our Heavenly Father calls us His children!

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