Thursday, September 22, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #24: What would you draw on your name tag to help people get to know you?

A lot of people like to draw smiley faces, flowers, rainbows, animals, birds, and those are wonderful!  Some might draw something else that they like or that they're proud of or that they do for a hobby or a living.  What would you draw on your name tag? 

I'll be honest though, I almost stumped myself with this question.  I've doodled abstract designs.  I've drawn a smiley face or two, musical notes, or even crosses.  

However, my favorite thing, now that I think about it, would be to draw a heart.  Why?  Once, when I was visiting people in the hospital, one of the family members put a heart on my name tag.  It's still there!  See?  

It still reminds me of what I'm doing in the hospital.  It reminds me of why I'm here on this earth.  It's about serving God by loving others!  I'm no different than anyone else in that respect, but it sure makes me feel special to know that I can share God's love wherever I am and whatever I'm doing, since He first loved me!

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. (Proverbs 3:3)


  1. what a sweet and simple moment and sweet gesture!
    God had his reason to gear you to where you are now... you should feel special because you are ;)

  2. Thank you so much! What a great gift for encouragement you have! You are special too! :))
