Thursday, September 1, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #4: What is a healthy, effective way of dealing with stress?

Ever feel stress creeping up on you?  Of course you have! Stress is part of life. We are put in pressure situations. Some of these situations we have a little control over, but some we don't have any control over whatsoever.  Hence, stress.  It's like having to fight an enemy but not even knowing who the enemy is, or where, or how to do it, so our body, in a way, fights itself. And, yes, there is often collateral damage.  We take it out on the people closest to us.  That's how I think of stress.

Jesus had stress.  Imagine it.  He healed a man with an unclean spirit and was instantly popular. (Read Mark 1:23-35.) Everyone wanted to be healed, or knew someone who wanted to be healed.  There wasn't enough time in the day to heal them all.  There wasn't enough time in His life, and He cared for them all. He healed Simon Peter's mother. Then, they really started bringing people to be healed.  The whole city was at their door.  It doesn't even say when He got to bed.  He got up, very early in the morning, we know, however, and He went to a "desolate place." He needed time to be alone, but He wasn't alone.  He was talking to His heavenly Father.

We need to pray, too, and we also need time to block out the world when it's at our doorstep, too, and time for rest.  For me I enjoy playing guitar, and can relax and focus.  Or when I go running, I listen to nothing but the sound of my feet.  Or when I'm in the forest, I get lost in nature, even if I know right where I am.  These are my ways of dealing with stress.  

We all have our own ways of doing that, and we can learn new ways throughout life, which is a good thing.  Biking, breathing deeply, walking, gardening, what are your ways?

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