Friday, September 9, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #11: What is your favorite plant? 

I like trees!  There is something very wonderful that happens when I go for a walk in the woods.   It is time to think and be alone.  I feel whole and grounded after time spent among the trees.  

Still, when most people think of a favorite plant they think of flowers!  And there are so many to chose from: roses like this one, orchids, pansies, daisies, flowering cacti, narcissus, jasmine, poppies, tulips, lilacs, and freesias, to name a few!  What is your favorite plant?
One flower that is mentioned in Scripture is the lily.  A lily could be any of a number of wild field flowers.  The lily I'm thinking of is the one mentioned by Jesus, recorded in Matthew 6:28-29.  "And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,  yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." (ESV)

We are grounded in God!  He is more than capable of helping us with the things that cause us to be filled with anxiety and worry.  He takes the time to make lilies so beautiful.  Imagine what He's taking the time to do for you right now!

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