Tuesday, September 27, 2011

QUESTION OF THE DAY #27: What do you do when you can't remember someone's name?

Names are a funny thing.  I'm Daryn, and I happen to have a twin brother named Daryl.  As you might imagine, that has created several difficulties.  At college, one of our professors thought we were really one person who turned in two separate tests.  We had to explain that one, let me tell you! 

When it comes to forgetting people's names, there are two basic approaches.  One is just to come out and say you forgot and ask for the name.  The other way is to try and avoid saying the name.  There are a lot of variations on that theme.  You can call them something like "sweetie"  or "bud" depending on the situation.  (Here you have to be careful if you're a guy!)  Ma'am or Sir works in a formal setting.  There are a few other options along those lines.  In some countries you could call them "mate," and that would be perfectly acceptable!

Then there are the creative ways.  You could just keep guessing names until you land on the right one.  I've done that.  It's fun!  One person even suggested asking them how old they are and then saying, "No way! Prove it!"  When they pull out their driver's license you can find their name.  There you go!

What do you do?  I generally find that the way I remember people's names best is to ask another person if they know the name.  It's helpful for me to hear someone else say it.  I did that just yesterday, in fact!  Other people find that it helps to link their name to how they look... like a word picture, but that one can backfire if you're not careful!  It helps to relax, too, or even to work your way through the alphabet, I've been told.

Honestly, though it's embarrassing, quite often the best approach is to simply say, "I'm sorry, I've got your name on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember it!  My memory is like Swiss cheese!"  It's honest, straightforward, and lets them know that you ARE interested in their name.  I know... I know... it's much easier said than done.

Forgetting someone's name isn't a sin.  It happens to us all.  But we can learn how to deal with our sins from all of this.  We confess our sins and come to Jesus for forgiveness.  Can you imagine having the guilt and regret of your sins washed away?  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:10, "For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret..."  As I read those words over and over, letting them soak in, I'm just amazed.


  1. I can imagine how confusing it must have gotten with you and your brother though. Being twins and such similar names! I am sure the two of you have had some fun growing up!! hehe

    I agree, being honest is probably the best way to get out of it and most people don't really take offense to it at all. I always end it by also adding how bad I am with remembering names which is the truth!

  2. There sure are stories about being a twin!! I think that honesty is the best policy, too. For me, I have to get over the perceived expectation that surely pastors must know everybody's name! I keep reminding myself, it's okay to ask!
